Agosto 2015
Amo esto. Mucho. Amo despertarme cada mañana y tomar un café con el mismo pájaro negro que visita mi balcón mientras miro al océano y el me mira a mi, mientras los murciélagos gigantes duermen en el jardín. Me encanta. La naturaleza es tan inmensa y loca que parece que viviera en un cuento de hadas. En serio, no es raro ver como delfines pasan a saludar mientras surfeas. O ballenas. Un buen susto. Y el cielo. El cielo puede cambiar de color como cien veces en media hora cuando el sol sale o se pone. Estoy viendo mas arcoiris que en toda mi vida. No exagero, cuando llueve, solo tienes que coger unas palomitas y ponerte a contemplar el cielo. Y la Luna... La Luna. Bajar a la playa a pensar, a gritar, a cantar a tocar. Qué mas da si aqui nada importa... En ocasiones siento una soledad preciosa. Paz. Este lugar cada dia me recuerda lo bello que es el planeta. Esta siendo todo muy diferente a lo que entraba en mis planes. Quiero decir, no tiene que ver. Sé que las expectativas no sirven para nada pero, a ver, soy humana. A veces es mejor y a veces es peor. A veces me olvido del gran sueño que taché de mi lista.
Estas son algunas imágenes de mi vecindario, de mi hogar y de mi pequeño espacio de retiro :)

July 2015

To Love. because despite all we think we know about love there is still always something unfamiliar and undiscovered. We have all the palettes of emotions within ourselves and despite the many changes human life undergoes what remains as one of the most important things is love. the love for yourself. For someone else. For animals. For nature. For any little thing that exists. For what you do. For life. Love is as strong as it is unsearcheable. it appears unexpected and vanishes stealthy. Its inscrutable. We can gain it but we can never posses it. is universal, yet so individually experienced. And sometimes we dont even know if its really love or something else that poses veiled as love. Addictive and irreplaceable it ultimately fulfills our lives like nothing else. and like nothing else can it pull the rug out from under our feet once its gone, but suddenly reappear gently wrapping you up in order to lightly carry you above the ground again. Without it we are lost. and with it we face a huge challenge because of its secretive and unpredictable nature. Still, even with all the love that connects us to each other and to the world, we might always remain strangers to ourselves and to others.. But this time we just want to be lovers.
Esta maravilla es de C Heads Magazine

Its about storms. Rainbows. Ocean. Butterflies. Stars. Hats. And loneliness. Swims at midnight. Kisses. It means the moon. And tears. Barefoot. Bats. Waves. A tan. A sunrise. A dusk. The sky. Cuddles. Rad feelings. My heart.

October 2014
Currently in London and ready to leave Europe for a while.
Life has taught me to be always ready and keen to say goodbye. Sometimes its hurting. Sometimes they hurt you. Sometimes you hurt them. That means that you feel and feelings are the most important thing that we have. And the music. Just because we all have them. We have them everywhere. They are the best way to learn and enjoy life. We need to be always thankful for that. That's what life means for me. Life is about goals and goals are about risks. Something or somebody who worths it will never dare to reject you from their way. Thats why we should listen our soul more often. Souls are wise and they can guess wich risks we should take. Despite the tears. The mistakes.
Every risk I have taken in life has made me happier sooner or later: a job, a love, a trip, a friend, a moment... Because life isn't about guarantees. We don't need guarantees to risk. "If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster"

Cold days in London with my baes:

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